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  • Alana Wilson

A Typical Day In The Life Of The Wilson Family - Our Schedule and An Update!

So first, I want to start off with an apology for the lack of posts lately and it having been awhile since my last post. Keeping up with a very fast moving baby, her sleep regression, hubs working, taking care of my grandma, and trying to keep us all busy while we continue to quarantine and social distance due to cover has kept me very busy!

But.....I AM BACK! And hoping to stay more consistent! Today's post is going to be a glimpse into our daily lives especially right now with covid altering our normal lives into a new sense of normal and some updates on us too!

Our Typical Daily Schedule

So Our Days Look Somewhat Like This:

  • 6am Wake Up, Hubs gets up around 5am on the days he goes to work on a job site and leaves around 6:30am. Kelia and I play downstairs, watch the news drink coffee or Fizz and just hangout.

  • 7am Breakfast: I usually cook breakfast or make something easy for all 3 of us and Cory eats with us if he is home. After breakfast we change our clothes for the day. play some more and I keep her entertained.

  • 9am Kelia goes down for her first nap of the day and sleeps anywhere from 30mins to an hour and half. I use this time once she is down in her bed to wash bottles, do laundry, or update on social media and even write a blog like I am now!

  • 11:30am Lunch: I either make us an easy lunch like a salad or sandwich or leftovers OR we grab something take out and eat at home.

  • 12pm-2pm: Somewhere between 12-2pm Kelia goes down for another nap. She used to have naps at 12 and 2 but is slowly phasing out one nap and kind of takes one now in this time frame. Around the nap we play, read books, sing songs, do any errands I might have, sometimes she has some snacks like puffs or crackers, and generally stay busy. I also try to plan dinner for that night.

  • 5pm Kelia's Last Nap

  • 6pm Dinner: We eat early sometimes, but usually try to keep on a schedule for Kelia's night sleeping sake. Either I cook, hubs cooks, or sometimes my mother-in-law cooks and we all eat together with Kelia in highchair next to us.

  • 7pm Bathtime: As part of our nighttime routine to establish understanding of bedtime, I give Kelia a bath every night. I don't use soap each night but make sure she is clean and give her a chance to play in the tub with toys and water books. The best is her FAVORITE place and she's loves splashing in the water! She has a great bath seat to keep her upright, but lately she is also sitting up really well alone in the tub.

  • 7:30pm: We get pjs on, snuggle up, read some stories, and watch a little Mickey Mouse Club House or Something on Disney+. We used to have nights where she would cry in herself but they figured out in was acid reflux and since she has been taking medication for it she is doing much better so we let her watch Mickey for a little bit again but not long.

  • 8pm Bedtime For Kelia. Cory generally watches TV downstairs while I catch up on social media stuff and once a week or so I do my Prayer Journal, Write in my Journal for Kelia, Update and Check my Planner, Add anything new to Kelia's Baby Book, and have dessert in bed.

  • 10pm Bedtime for Mom and Dad. We sleep until she wakes us to eat around 2am and sometimes 4am and then we stay in bed until 6am and start the next day!

Of Course, every day is different in what we do especially depending on whether Cory works or not and if we go to visit my family or what the weather may be like. We also will walk the dogs after dinner some days if its not too hot, go to beach or pool, play in her little pool out in the backyard, or a have a random picnic social distancing style in the park. We got a zoo membership in the beginning of the year that allows free or cheap entrances into zoos and aquariums around here, but since covid-19 hit we haven't been as it was shut down and is not ideal to go to plus its way too hot to walk around the zoo, but I am hoping we can go back sooner than later.

Family Update!


Kelia will be 9 months next week and is growing so fast! She has two teeth and due to the amount of drool I assume more on the way. She is in sizes 9-12 months clothes and is so fast crawling and scootering around in her walker it's keeping us on our toes! She started pulling anything and everything down from anywhere that she can reach, puts everything in her drooling mouth, scrunches her nose and shakes her head NO! She also is now starting to really try to talk and has like full conversations at times even though we can't understand any of it. She loves to play with her feet all the time and waves constantly with one or both hands in the air. She loves to play with the tv remotes or cell phones and pushing buttons on everything in her path!


Buster in 5 and half now. He has had one summer buzz cut so far this year and been a happy, healthy little man thankfully. He hates the heat and had some anxiety with fireworks on the 4th, but is fine. He is so spoiled and used to all the attention so at times he gets jealous when anyone is holding or playing with Kelia and not him so he will whine until you pet him too! He loves to sit by Kelia's highchair now because he figured out she has food and he eats what she drops to him or licks her hands when she puts them out to him. He also helps clean her tray when she's done cuz thats why you have a dog right?! LOL...All in all he is doing great and is just as spoiled as ever!


Cory turns 37 on the 22nd of this month. He works part time with Marina Sheet Metal with very modified duties due to his back. He has good and bad days some worse than others due to his back too. They said eventually he will probably need another surgery but due to his age if he can deal with it and live normally just by controlling it with medication thats the best option for now. He is a total hands on dad and super hubby even though we know he is in pain a lot. He is waiting to start physical therapy again and hopes to be able to go to the gym and play hockey again if his back improves and the covid-19 stuff ever gets better. He loves to cook especially BBQ and Sous Vide Meats so he is keeping our tummies happy! We love him!

Alana (Me)

We have spent the past month going down every weekend to Orange County to take care of and spend time with my 93 year old grandma who lives alone. I have been doing some cooking and baking while keeping up with Kelia's demands. I am enjoying beach days, family time together, snuggling all 3 of my loves, and working on my social media stuff (Instagram and Blog). I will be 35 in October and my plans to go see Backstreet Boys or go on a Cabo cruise were both obviously cancelled due to Covid-19. I am so blessed none of us or any of our families or close friends have gotten sick and pray it stays this way. I am trying to somewhat sleep train Kelia, but having issues although I am glad its somewhat easy to get her down and she is only up 1 time at night usually. I am really trying hard to get followers for this Blog and my Instagram so I can do some social media influencing and even make money or get products from companies! I also have been working for Arbonne and did the 30 day program but it was a lot of pressure and difficult to get anyone interested so its more of a mellow thing for me now so I will see what happens!

I hope this finds you all happy and healthy as well. I appreciate you all reading my blogs and following along with life story and journey! Stay Safe and Healthy!

Love Always,


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