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  • Alana Wilson

Cold, Flu, The Man Cold/Flu", and How To Prevent Them!

With the whole world in limbo right now because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, I thought I would write one more health related post. In this post I will be sharing a few things about the common cold/flu and how to prevent it. I will also share some of what we use to try preventing ourselves from getting sick, to help us when we get sick, and how we are now doing things with a baby in the mix as well!

What are they?

First, I want to make sure you know what the common cold and flu are.

A Common Cold is defined as : a viral infection of your nose and throat (upper respiratory tract). It's usually harmless, although it might not feel that way. Many types of viruses can cause a common cold. Most people recover from these in 10 days or less.

Symptoms of a common cold are usually the following and can occur 1-3 day after exposure and can vary person to person: Runny or stuffy nose, Sore throat, Cough, Congestion, Slight body aches or a mild headache, Sneezing, Low-grade fever,Generally feeling unwell.

Influenza (Flu) is defined as: a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza is commonly called the flu, but it's not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Symptoms of flu include: Fever over 100.4 F (38 C), Aching muscles, Chills and sweats, Headache, Dry/persistent cough, Fatigue and weakness, Nasal congestion, Sore throat.

Stomach Flu is defined as: an intestinal infection marked by watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea or vomiting, and sometimes fever. Usually this is contracted either by contact with an infected person or consuming contaminated water or food.

Symptoms are: Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection, Abdominal cramps and pain, Nausea, vomiting or both, Occasional muscle aches or headache, Low-grade fever.

A Man Cold/Flu/Stomach Flu is defined as : what happens when a male/grown man contracts a type of common cold, flu or stomach bug and disproportionately overreacts to the symptoms.

Symptoms are as you would expect: sneezing, coughing, a temperature, sore throat, headache and so on, just with a lot more whinging than if a woman was experiencing it. They just act like it is worse than childbirth. When the patient is your spouse, he will exhibit an overwhelming desire of compassion, yet reject all efforts you make to show concern or sympathy.

How do you treat them?

So now lets talk about treatment or ways to help ease symptoms.

For a cold or influenza, you can treat with medications that target the specific symptoms you are experiencing. For instance, pain and fever reducers for pain and fever. Others like decongestants and cough suppressants for mucus and congestion or coughs. You can see below some of what we keep on hand and use for Cory and I.

*Please see your doctor for prolonged symptoms or extreme symptoms. Some colds or flus turn into other illnesses that require antibiotics or further treatments to resolve.*

For a stomach flu, try to stay as hydrated as you can and eat only what you can tolerate. Fluids such a Sprite/7up/Ginger Ale can help nausea, but drink lots of water, gatorade, Pedialyte (yes adults can too!) or electrolyte filled drinks if possible Most recommend eating a BRAT diet until you feel you can resume normal diet. BRAT is Banana, Rice, Toast, Apples.

For the man cold or flu, ladies let them vent and moan/groan, but don't give in too much! After all you will have had or will soon have whatever they have and know its not THAT bad. (LOL)...Or be a nice spouse and make him soup, get a cold buster from Starbucks and medicine, get him comfy in blankets and do the laundry while taking care of the kids and if he asks (most wont unless its VERY serious) escort him to the doctor. Yes, ladies we are the definition of "Superwoman" because we can do it all even with a cold/flu!

The most important thing is PREVENTION!

How Can You Prevent A Cold or Flu?

Theres a few ways you can prevent yourself from getting sick.

1. Always Practice Good Hygiene.

-Wash you hands often, most importantly when you use the restroom, go out in public, handle food, etc. Use Antibacterial Soap and Sanitizers when available.

-Shower Daily. Use Disinfecting Soaps and Body Washes. Wash your hair at least every other day.

-Do Laundry Often. Wash Clothes, Towels, Blankets, and Bedding Often.

2. Eat Healthy and Be Aware of Where and Who Prepare Your Food. Wash produce well before consuming and be mindful of expiration dates on other food items.

3. Hydrate as much as you can to FLUSH your system regularly.

4. Take vitamins regularly and in seasons where extra is needed add preventative supplements like EmergenC, Airborne, Vitamin C, Zinc, Zicam, and Elderberry.

5. Visit your doctor for regular routine checkups and as needed.

6. Keep your pets healthy!

(Preventing a Man Cold includes forcing your male spouse to do the above in addition to you and/or your children in hopes he doesn't get anything either!)

How are we trying to prevent getting sick? What do we take to boost our immune system?

So in our family we strive to be clean and healthy mostly.

-My husband and I shower or bathe daily. We give our daughter a bath every day or every other day as part of her bedtime routine.

-We generally eat healthy. We love fresh fruit and veggies (washed clean first) and salads.

-We take vitamins, EmergenC and Elderberry regularly. We add Airborne, Vitamin C, Zinc, Zicam as needed.

-We visit the doctor regularly and as needed.

-We wash our hands frequently and use sanitizer and disinfectant in our home and on the go!

-I do our laundry 1-2x a week including the babies and towels and sheets as well as blankets used in the family room etc.

-We keep our dog, Buster, healthy and up to date on vaccines and checkups too!

I hope this helped some people and I pray you all stay healthy!

With Love,


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