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  • Alana Wilson

COVID-19 Quarantine Continues...

So for a lot of us the extension of the quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic was not only frustrating, annoying, and boring, but it also meant longer periods of exhaustion with the kids and spouses at home. It also has been a big wake-up call for so many as we learn more about the virus, how many have been affected, and how serious it can be. Social distancing is also teaching us so much; how grateful we are to have what we have, never to take things we have for granted, and to cherish time with those you love. You also realize how much time you spend away from home and with extended family and friends and truly miss them all with this going on.

In this post I thought I would share some recent statistics, prevention tips and how you can help slow the spread and end this quarantine, Kids and Corona Virus, Pets and Corona Virus, and some ideas to keep all ages entertained.

-Recent Statistics-

I found the following posts this morning and they are all from within the past few days.

These are the current breakdown of Covid-19 Cases worldwide and California.

Below is the breakdown of Ventura County and Orange County, the county I live in and the other I have many friends and family in and grew up in.

As you can see if it is rapidly increases and the death toll is rising too. So do your part to slow the spread best you can and join us in staying home and social distancing until things get better! You can also do the following to help prevent yourself or loved ones from getting sick!

-Prevention Tips-

The following pictures show some great ways to keep clean and prevent spread of germs which should help prevent not just covid-19 but any illness from spreading!

We wear masks out in public, baby never goes out anywhere around others, we wash hands thoroughly often and use sanitizer frequently even after washing hands to kill any bacteria left behind. We also do laundry frequently and change our clothes often too.

And.....The Key/Most Important and Easy Things We Can Do Are: STAY HOME, WASH HANDS OFTEN, & KEEP DISTANCE FROM OTHERS! So do your part! We are in this together and can get through this!

-Kids and Corona Virus-

I also thought this was interesting about what people think about explaining Corona Virus and talking about it with your kids if they are old enough to be grasping what is going on. I think its important they understand what the world is going through and why life is the way it is right now.

And a couple things to remember when talking to your kids about it. I think these are really good tips and ideas to help kids understand, but not get worried.

And for those with fur-babies here is some great information for you too! We don't want our little furry kids to get sick or not have what the need in case of emergency!

-How to Keep Entertained For All Ages-

Here are some ideas to keep everyone entertained:

*Walks while distancing with at least 6 feet between others

*Arts and Crafts/ DIY Projects

*Sensory Play


+ Make Your Own Pizzas/Sundaes + Decorate Cupcakes/Cookies/Pancakes +

*Board Games/Card Games/Puzzles

*Movies and Netflix/Hulu Binging

*Bubble Baths and/or Pretend Spa/Make-Overs

*Scenic Car Rides (Don't go far and don't get out anywhere)

*On sunny days backyard play including water play

*On rainy days fire in fireplace and add s'mores and hot cocoa

*Plant a Garden and Care for it (in the backyard)

* And.....So Much More!

What things are you doing to keep busy?

Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone!

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