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  • Alana Wilson

Mommyhood...My Journey, The Good, The Hard and The Future.

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

What is my "Mom Story"?

I have known since I was a young girl that the one thing I wanted in life was to be a mom. I didn't know who would father my children, but I had set out to find him from a young age. I had no idea what my journey to mommyhood would entail, but it has all been worth it.

When I was 23 (in 2008) I thought I found the man meant to be the daddy to my kids. I was wrong and a miscarriage is what truly showed me his true colors and that he wasn't meant to be. I tried dating here and there for a few more years and never felt anyone was the one until I met my husband.

My husband, It was love at first sight and I JUST knew. (He knew I was "The One" too apparently because he called his mama on the way home from our first date to tell her he was gonna marry me one day and he did!)

We started "parenting" with Buster and seeing him with him (and our friends kids) confirmed to me he would make an amazing father one day!

We got married and immediately knew we wanted to start a family. We began trying a few months after we got married. Basically we pulled the goalie if you know what I mean...Nothing happened and the following January (9 months after we got married) we began using ovulation tests, tracking my cycle and general idea of when I would ovulate on a cycle tracker app, tried different TTC methods such as SMTE and every other day during fertile window and more tricks of the trade like elevated hips, using Preseed, and taking supplements to improve our reproductive health. Nothing was working and we started getting discourage and sought fertility help after a year. Minor fertility issues were confirmed and we were told to keep trying, but IVF was looking to be the best chance we had although they let me know they could see my follicles ready to drop. I had a flipped uterus and possibly minor endometriosis but was never confirmed which could be causing us issues. Hubby had some faulty swimmers which could be the issue too...Neither was prominent enough to tell exactly. While planning our future with IVF I suddenly felt sick and couldn't handle smells about two weeks later. Cory was prepping for gallbladder removal when I decided I will test for giggles why not? Four tests that night confirmed I WAS ACTUALLY ALREADY PREGNANT!

Just as it brought us together, We announced with a (LA KINGS) Hockey theme! Our little hockey family was growing!

My bloodwork was coming back perfect and rising like it should. We saw the little bean at 6 weeks with a fluttering heart that made both of ours melt. Baby was growing and so was my tummy!

I was overjoyed my dreams of being a mommy were coming true!

We found out at 11 weeks we were expecting a baby GIRL!

My due date was also crazy and amazing - October 31st 2019.

(My grandpa passed away shortly after my wedding and told me one day I would make an amazing mother and his birthday was in October as well as mine, my grandma's, my father-in law's, my aunt's, and my grandparent's anniversary!)

My only real complication was that I suffered from the worst itching from a condition known as Cholestasis of Pregnancy or ICP. (Looking back I swear having ICP was way worse than even my delivery and recovery!)

We were given two beautiful baby showers and baby girl was spoiled beyond belief!

We got everything ready and in order for her arrival - just in time I might add!

We scheduled my C-Section for 10/18/2019 which was my dear grandma's 93rd birthday.

Baby girl had other plans and wanted her own birthday apparently!

My water broke on its own on the afternoon of October 15th, at 330pm. We raced to the hospital where they confirmed it and in the blink of an eye I was prepped for surgery with my husband and mom by my side.

Kelia Linei Wilson was born at 37 weeks gestation on October 15, 2019 at 8:21pm. She was 6lbs 10oz and 19.5in long. She had some curls of peach fuzz hair and was/still is her daddy's mini-me.

The love for her I had from the minute I saw her was undeniable and unexplainable but absolutely amazing. I am her mom and she is my daughter. From here on out my life is about her, for her, and because of her.

This is my story. This is how I became a mom and she is the little girl who made me a mommy.

The Good and Hard Parts of Being a Mom - It's all worth it!

If you are mom you probably know mom life is a crazy, yet, rewarding job. Yes, I said job. We don't get paid, but it is the most work anyone can tackle in one day or even a lifetime! Mom life is amazing in so many ways, yet there are many trials and learning experiences along the way too.


I know what you are thinking and yes, I have only been a mom three short months, but I already know a love I never knew I was missing and could never live without again. The snuggles, the kisses, the smiles and laughs, the proud moments of accomplishments,

The joys of motherhood thus are have been seeing my daughter excel developmentally, learn to roll over, grab for things, wave her hands, lift her head, kick her feet, giggle and smile, show excitement over lights and moving objects or projections; eating well and having good diapers like her pediatrician wants, and every mom's favorite - sleeping 8 hours/through the night! It wasn't always easy, but we have gotten to a point of happiness and satisfaction so it was worth the learning we had to do.


While for the most part I have enjoy motherhood it hasn't been without its challenges. We have been able to overcome them as best we could, but I will say its tough to decide what to do and how to solve problems that arise. (As I right this she is fighting sleep and spit up all over me, but that is mom life!)

First challenge we were hit with that I was NOT expecting was with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding was for me a very painful and frustrating adventure. I may have given up a little too soon but I did so because ultimately led to me getting mastitis and baby girl getting an intestinal blockage. This caused many tears for mom and baby both and we made the tough decision to end that journey (for the most part - she latches time to time for comfort still but doesn't get much). With ending breastfeeding came the task of picking the right formula for our little girl. At the beginning we used a formula called Reguline that her doctor recommended for her sensitive and sore tummy due to the blockage. After a few weeks he had us change it because she was regular again and it took trying a few kinds to find the right one. Soy caused bloody murder screaming, another caused bad projective vomiting and needless to say seeing my baby in pain and discomfort was heartbreaking. We finally found the right one and now use Gentlease by Enfamil and everyone is happy!

Did I mention during this period we also had a bout of COLIC? Thank you Gripe-Water, Milicon drops, and my bottle warmer for helping us make it through it! (I highly suggest them all!)...If you aren't familiar, Colic is basically bad painful trapped gas in a young infant and can last hours or even days. All baby does it cry and scream and wail in pain. Its horrible for everyone involved. And we had no sleep but lots of hugs and kisses and rocking and baths too.

Second, colds have gone around our house and baby was included. Her first cold has been a sad and snuggle filled experience. We are all on the tail-end thankfully, but it took a couple trips to the pediatrician, some tylenol, baby chest balm, booger clearing, and a little more Gripe-Water to get us through the past few snot filled days.

I know the tough times will come and go. I have teething, potty training, transitioning to her own bed, booboos that will happen, meltdowns, and more to come just to name a few. I will try to hold my head high even when my heart breaks for my littlest love.

What I Can't Wait for in the Future

As Kelia grows I am excited for so much that I know is going to go hand in hand with her growth through the years. From learning to read and write, drawing me pictures for the fridge, her school performances, awards, her sports she chooses to play, playdates with friends she makes, celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day as well as holidays with her, making her a big sister and sharing traditions with her and any siblings we give her like The Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa; To her first date, first boyfriend, first break-up, prom, high school graduation, when she leaves for college and graduates then starts her dream career and finally her wedding and when she has her own kids. I can only hope for many positive surprises and accomplishments along the way. I also pray that the challenges that arise we can overcome together with strength and love.

For now I let the excitement of what is ahead in my life as a mom overshadow any worries or fears I have for my daughter and our lives and plan to take things as the come with grace and strength.

- With Love,


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