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  • Alana Wilson

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: My Feelings & How We Are Reacting

As we all know right now not just America, but the World is impacted by the Coronavirus or COVID-19. It has been described as not just a world wide health crisis and CDC world wide emergency, but a Pandemic.

Since I first heard about it I have been comparing it to the flu or influenza. It is comparable to me to an unknown strand of a flu. By this I mean when they say there can be different strands of the flu and then something comes out an effects so many people, but nothing can protect you completely from it. If that makes any sense. See picture below.

Now, I understand it is vastly different than regular flus in some ways, but if you look at statistics less people are effected so far and less dying than from flus. Also, populations other than the elderly or those with issues that compromise their immune systems are at low risk for fatal or serious issues from it. Most will recover from it should they get the virus. Still, many people are freaking out and going absolutely insane over this...

My Views And How My Family Feels About It

Am I concerned about me, my family or anybody I love getting sick or effected by the virus? Of course! But I also feel that with there not being many confirmed cases of it near us, my family and my friends, as well as so many ways to prevent the spread of it that we should all be safe. That is, if we all work together as a whole to keep up good hygiene practices, continuously wash hands well, deep clean everyday things we use frequently like clothes, linens, toys, utensils, cooking equipment, and baby things and of course, disinfect more often. My hope and understanding is that if Heaven forbid anyone does contract the illness they have enough in place all over the USA and World right now to get the care they need, been quarantined, rest and get better if they aren't in the groups with a high risk of death.

My biggest concern is not the risk of getting sick even though of course I hope we don't, but rather a fear of not being able to buy food or necessities me or my family need on a regular basis especially for my 5 month old daughter. My family and I are not among those stock piling and buying out all the stores. We aren't taking anything we can get our hands on, only what we need at the current time which won't last us very long. However, it has been near impossible to get our hands on many important daily used essentials, one being baby wipes. Before I was a mom I had no idea how much we need and rely on for our kids. I haven't gone to get formula for my daughter yet, but will need to at some point and I heard even that is hard to come by right now. The amount of people stock piling, and who are crazy paranoid and preparing like its the end of the world, are taking things from people in desperate need for right now for their families with elderly, children, or infant members who rely on these regularly everyday. Toilet paper is so scarce that now wipes needed for babies and toddlers and some diaper wearing adults or seniors are being taken by everyone who doesn't normally need them. I hope those people don't plan to flush those or plumbers will have lots of work here soon with septic tanks messed up and toilets all stopped up!

My heart hurts because as a mom I want to provide and protect my daughter, two things right now that are a little scary and difficult due to the unknown for what is to come and not knowing how long the chaos in stores will last. While in most aspects this Pandemic is being handled pretty well, the way major retailers and grocery stores are handling some things should be adjusted in my opinion (and I have seen many others agree). The elderly and families of babies or young kids or those with special needs or immune issues should have some priority to get things at times before others or with less traffic. I only say this because its harder to get places and actually shop for those individuals, they can't just wait 2 hours for a store to open at 8am and race around as fast to get things before everyone else who is there doing it at the same time. People who live in the same household separating members and carts/orders to buy out the stores is not allowing people in serious need get supplies and is rude. Empty shelves in stores every day after like 9am because people are taking all of certain items at once is just ridiculous! Taking 6 boxes/packages of already limited stock of any item such as Toliet paper, wipes, or bottled water is just disrespectful.

Additionally, Now, with everyone home because no schools are open or entertainment of any kind such as amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, sporting events, concerts, and more are all closed and shut down; people need things to eat, survive with and do at home.

Be mindful of others right now. We are all human and all need to be there for one another. Nobody is enjoying going through this, but we can make it easier and more comfortable for one another. Just think if you had no access to food or water for long periods you could get very ill or die. Babies who can't fend for themselves are depending on their parents to provide this, but if someone is buying out baby supplies without even a baby in the family or home it is taking from the parents who are trying to provide food and supplies to care for their children.

And above all, have faith in Jesus and Pray pray pray for loved ones, the world, this pandemic, and for everyone effected by it.

With Love,


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